To my beloved squad 2 nursings,
I will never forget today when so many of you are crying over spilled milk.
What's the use of crying when you are the one bringing trouble to yourself,
Even if you are guilty of making other people pump, dont cry just to show it out.
If anyone wants to cry, only the people who tio pumped for no reason should...
I am not trying to scold you all and make it sound like it's all your fault
but please don't hate me for saying these and dont talk about it behind my back.
Why are you all crying only at the time when we are punished,
Why can't you guys wear your socks properly?
You say the long socks are not nice and I know you are scared people will laugh at you all
but did you see anyone among the people who had high socks kena laughed?
I think I have lost count on the amount of punishments we did for attire.
we made our ambulance pumped for us....
Through the entire 2009, I know we gossiped about many people among our squad,
we didn't like this person, we didn't like that person.
We also went through tough and happy times together,
It is always happy to be able to work and play outside together.
We all laughed so much when we were together, ate coke floats together, ate ice cream.
Gathered at the vending machine, water cooler together
shared a single cubicle in the toilet when changing,
shared with each other our personal stuff...... (:
Ever since we got our team and no, it feels that competition is building among us nursings,
to tell the truth, even me......
We started to dislike each other more because of selfishness to keep what our instructors said to ourselves, not wanting the other team to know.
We are always comforting each other when we are sad, but sometimes we hate each other because of our own characters......
Okay, back to the attire thing
Why can you all nod your head after you cry when we ask you to stop wearing ankle length socks
and the same thing happen the next day...
I shan't care anymore...